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Simmel’s Theory of Value in ‘The Philosophy of Money’. The concept of value has a dual meaning: it can either denote ethical principles, or denote economic worth. In the more original notion of value, the ethical, two types of value can be distinguished: intrinsic and instrumental.
Simmel’s Theory of Value in ‘The Philosophy of Money’. The concept of value has a dual meaning: it can either denote ethical principles, or denote economic worth. In the more original notion of value, the ethical, two types of value can be distinguished: intrinsic and instrumental.
Money is the autonomous expression of value; it represents the abstract values in a physical way. By assigning money ‘value’ as a quality, the risk of an artificial society emerges: value is no longer an effect of certain qualities found in nature, but something artificial found the financial world has usurped.
The relativity of valuation signifies its objectification.
31 gru 2015 · The first section of this article presents core elements in the object- or concept-focused definition of values, including some of the functions ascribed to them: guiding and coordination...
1 sty 2013 · In the first part of the paper the author particularly reviews the original sources of theoretical contradictions among modern sociologists of money. Ontological, epistemological,...
In the theories of the value of money, "the value of money " usually means the quantity of merchandise which can be bought with a unit amount of money, that is to say, merchandise-purchasing power. In the present article, the term " the value of money " is used in this sense. There is apparently no disputing the meaning of the term. But