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The State Police (PSP) works with parents, students, and school staff. Our goal is to keep school districts safe and secure. Below are several popular programs and resources offered at no cost by PSP. Active Shooter Preparedness Training, "Run, Hide, Fight"
Under Act 67, school entities and non-public schools may only authorize school employees or contractors who meet the definition of "school security personnel"—SPOs, SROs, and school security guards—to carry firearms while performing their school duties.
Section 1315-C of the PA Public School Code provides for PCCD, the PA Department of Education (PDE), and the PA State Police (PSP) to periodically reassess the training requirements for all school security personnel, including NASRO’s Basic School Resource Officer Course.
All school security personnel intending to work in a school setting are required to receive this instruction prior to employment. On December 11, 2019, the inaugural School Security Personnel training curriculum standards were adopted by the Commission.
5. Establishes standards for school police officers, school resource officers and school security guards.
3 lis 2022 · Below find training information and related content for school police officers. On June 22, 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 44 of 2018 (amending the Public School Code of 1949) into law, creating a School Safety and Security Committee within the Pennsylvania Commission for Crime and Delinquency (PCCD).
Browse Pennsylvania Statutes | Article XIII-C - SCHOOL POLICE OFFICERS AND SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS for free on Casetext