Search results
I've compiled a list of guilds recruiting for Classic WoW across various Discords and websites. All guilds should have some contact method via a link to a thread, a persons discord name or a guilds discord server.
Pitter Patter is a newly formed raiding/M+ guild recruiting all roles for DF Season 4 and War Within. About us: We are a small, mature group of friends that achieve AOTC+ and KSM+ every season, often on multiple characters.
Recruiting DPS and healers that fit our guild or our new raid team. We are a group of very active & friendly players who want more like-minded people to join our guild and create a long-standing community.
If interested please fill out our recruitment app using this link: Please feel free to also PM here on reddit or Mashanu#1924 in-game for more info.
22 lis 2018 · This is an audit spreadsheet that automatically updates your guild’s roster from a Google Spreadsheet. Addon: Guild Roster Manager:
We are a small, community-focused, and inclusive guild seeking to recruit players primarily interested in Mythic+ content as well as casual, social players. We historically emphasize smaller-scale group content such as Mythic+ and 10-14 player raids. As we grow, our long-term goal is to push AOTC for each raid tier.
Dragonslayer Recruitment Pitches Are you in a guild that sucks major murlocs? Logging on to see a social desert? Let it go and join the <Dragonslayer Initiative>! We have a cool name, rockin guild bank, weekly raids, and more! Join now and start conquering the world of Azeroth with us! "New to...