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  1. There are two possible meanings for this. The first possible meaning is that God will bring the souls/spirits of those who died with Jesus as He descends. When the bodies of believers are raised from the dead, these souls/spirits will be reunited with their respective bodies.

  2. A. THE DETAILS OF THE RAPTURE. The rapture of the Church will be a glorious event which will come about at the close of the Church Age. At that time the Lord Jesus will resurrect those who have died in Christ and catch them up to meet Him in the air (I Thess. 4:13-18). At that time the generation of believers who are alive will be given ...

  3. The ‘Rapture’ is an interpretation based on a number of passages of scripture which prophesy that all saved believers (as distinct from unsaved members of the professing church), who are alive at the time of this event, will be caught up in the air to meet Christ, will receive immortalised or glorified bodies, and will dwell thereafter with Chri...

  4. This is not at the second coming of Christ, as often supposed, but before his actual and final return, though he does “return” (not to the earth, only somewhere “in the air”) secretly to rapture the church out of the world to take it to its proper heavenly place.

  5. The Rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. INTRODUCTION: A. Perhaps you have seen these or similar bumper stickers: 1. “In the event of rapture this car will be without a driver.” 2. “In the event of rapture this car will be empty.” B. The person having such a bumper sticker believes himself to be among the redeemed of God. 1.

  6. The future coming of the Messiah, called the “rapture,” is imminent, literal and visible, for all church saints, before the hour of testing, premillennial, and, based on a literal hermeneutic, distinguishes between Israel and the church.

  7. This is the most well known rapture in the Bible to the average Christian. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says, “we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the...

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