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Section 8 is a HUD -subsidized rental assistance program for very low-income families, also referred to as the “Voucher Program” or “HAP” (Housing Assistance Payment Program). Section 8 is a program that enables you to secure housing in the private market.
Section 8 is a HUD-subsidized rental assistance program for very low-income families, also referred to as “Housing Choice Voucher Program” or “HAP” (Housing Assistance Payment Program). This is a program that enables you to secure housing in the private market.
As of 5pm on October 31, 2023, all RHA Section 8 Voucher and Public Housing waiting lists are temporarily closed and are not accepting new applications. The best way to keep informed about our waiting lists is to check our website frequently.
The Rental Assistance Housing Program (RAHP) is a permanent supportive housing program that links rental assistance and support services to individuals who are experiencing homelessness with a diagnosed disability.
The CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) assists homeless CalWORKs families in obtaining permanent housing, and can provide temporary shelter, help with moving costs, short to medium term rental subsidies and wraparound case management.
8 lis 2024 · Raleigh offers a variety of programs to create and preserve affordable housing, strengthen existing neighborhoods, and connect residents to resources. City programs support affordable homeownership, the development of affordable rental units, and support for people experiencing homelessness.
5 lis 2024 · Our homebuyer assistance programs offer zero-interest loans to help with down payment and closing costs or a gap in financing. The loans are deferred; no payments are due until the home is sold or the owner no longer uses the home as their primary residence.