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Is there any requirement for a land-use clearance from RAJUK if one buys a plot from a private housing company? –If the housing project of the private housing company had taken approval from the authority then Land Use Clearance is no longer required for a plot within an approved layout.
Help Line: +8801324730940-4. Email: Developed and Managed By- Technohaven Co Ltd. New Registration Form Public User Registration Form LUC LSP CP Rajuk.
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The Township will be linked with 8(eight) lane wide express way from the Airport Road/Progati Swarani crossing. The distance is only 6.8 km. There are provision of about 26,000 residential plots of different sizes, 62,000 apartments with all necessary infrastructure and urban facilities.
Plot Selection Project Name: Banani Residential Model Town Baridhara Residential Model Town Gulshan Residential Model Town Purbachal Residential Model Town Uttara Residential Model Town (1st phase) Uttara Residential Model Town (2nd phase) Uttara Residential Model Town (3rd phase) *
To make the land record information accessible to the clients and for quick retrieval, monitoring and updating all information about plots owners and plot with housing estate maps this system named ‘Web Enabled Plot based Land Record System (WPLRS) including GIS database has developed.
Is the Clearance of Land use required to approve a plan for RAJUK plot ? –Yes, the clearance of land use is required for a RAJUK plot. Now, 100 percent LUC is required.