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  1. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator, RTG) – generator prądu elektrycznego, w którym źródłem energii jest rozpad izotopu promieniotwórczego, a wydzielone w ten sposób ciepło zamieniane jest na energię elektryczną.

  2. Radioizotopowy generator termoelektryczny, radioizotopowa bateria termoelektryczna (ang. radioisotope thermoelectric generator (ang. skr. RTG) (ros. Радиоизотопный термоэлектрический генератор skr. РИТЭГ) – generator prądu elektrycznego, w którym źródłem energii jest rozpad izotopu ...

  3. Radioisotopes are atoms that emit radiation as they decay. One type of radioisotope are "delta-series radioisotopes", which can be produced in plasma conduits, and which can interact with temporal energy. Prolonged exposure to these isotopes can prove fatal for humanoids.

  4. Radio Isotope Cell. The Radio Isotope Cell is a power generating machine with no GUI. Despite this, it generates a relatively small amount of energy forever. It is a weaker, but more mobile version of the RT Generator, as it does not need RTG pellets to be moved too around when relocating this generator.

  5. The Radioisotope Thermoelectric (RT) Generator is powered by RTG Pellets, which can vary in HE outputs. It doesn't produce a lot of power, but it is consistent and safe so long as you are wearing PPE when handling the RTG Pellets.

  6. The Radioisotope Thermoelectric generator and Radiolysis Chamber (RTGRC) is a multiblock generator that is a 3x3x3 cube. Recipes: To Be added. Power generation: There is no limit to the amount of heat a RTGRC can use. You can make up to 1,200,00He/s with it (Lead-209 RTG pellets).

  7. The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (or RTG for short) is a type of generator from IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental. It can produce between 1 and 32 EU/t of low voltage electricity using Pellets of RTG Fuel placed inside it.

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