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Technically it might be possible to install win32com on Python for Windows installed on MacOS or Linux with WINE, but it's very unlikely that doing so will actually help you accomplish whatever-it-is that you mean to be doing.
31 sty 2022 · Installing pywin32 package on Linux using PIP. To install the pywin32 package in Linux we have to follow the following steps: Step 1: First of all, we will install Python3 on our Linux Machine with the help of the following command: sudo apt-get install python3. Step 2: Now, install the pip module which is required to install the packages in ...
12 paź 2024 · You should install pywin32 via pip - eg, There is a post-install script (see below) which should not be run inside virtual environments; it should only be run in "global" installs. For unreleased changes, you can download builds made by github actions - choose any "workflow" from the main branch and download its "artifacts")
I am on Mac/Linux and can't install pywin32 You can use,y) instead, a few comments mentioned that you can edit the click duration by setting pyautogui.PAUSE(0.1) to make the click last for 0.1 seconds for example
9 lut 2024 · One option for using Pywin32 on macOS is to install a virtual machine software like VirtualBox or VMware and then install Windows on the virtual machine. Once Windows is installed, you can install Pywin32 and use it as you would on a physical Windows machine.
19 cze 2013 · Make sure your Python package is in the system PATH. Note that there are a few different ways to install Python modules, and as you have discovered not all of them work. pip install with -U worked for me with the pypiwin32 module (which contains win32com).
26 sie 2011 · Wine installation. apt-get install wine dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32 Python2.7 Installation. Download the latest Python from your fav source and install it using: wine msiexec /i ~/src/python-2.7.10.msi win32com for Python