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  1. Use the PUTFILE statement to write a record to an open QSAM file. Each execution of PUTFILE writes one record. Unless the user wants the same record sent more than once, the file name variable must be assigned a different record using an assignment statement before the next PUTFILE statement is issued.

  2. You may have allocated the file using the TSO/E ALLOCATE command or using step allocation (JCL statements in a logon procedure). GETFILE reads a record from a file opened in the same CLIST. PUTFILE writes a record to a file opened in the same CLIST.

  3. OPENFILE PAYCHEKS. SET COUNTER=1. DO WHILE &COUNTER \> 3. GETFILE PAYCHEKS. SET EMPLOYEE&COUNTER=&PAYCHEKS. SET COUNTER=&COUNTER+1; END. CLOSFILE PAYCHEKS. 'EXECIO 3 DISKR indd (stem employee. FINIS' /* Read 3 records from the data set in indd. */ /* variables with the stem of employee. They */ OPENFILE PRICES OUTPUT. SET PRICES = $2590.00.

  4. PutFile Description: Writes the contents of a FlowFile to the local file system. Tags: put, local, copy, archive, files, filesystem. Properties: In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional.

  5. TSO/E contains certain control variables which are available for use in CLISTs that you write. The three variables &SYS4DATE, &SYS4SDATE, and &SYS4JDATE provide the current date in a format that presents years as four-digit numbers.

  6. 30 lip 2014 · TSO CLIST Programming in z/OS - Topical Outline. Day One. Introduction. Review of TSO LOGON command and parameters. TMP - The Terminal Monitor Program. Basic TSO commands: SEND, LISTBC, TIME, HELP, LOGOFF. Computer Exercise: A First Encounter with TSO. CLISTs - Command Procedures. Symbolic Variables. Basic CLIST Statements: READ, WRITE, WRITENR ...

  7. If you would like Laravel to automatically manage streaming a given file to your storage location, you may use the putFile or putFileAs method. This method accepts either an Illuminate\Http\File or Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance and will automatically stream the file to your desired location:

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