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All public data from xd is available in three .zip archives: (2MB), metadata and similarity for all puzzles in the corpus, public and private (12MB), over 6000 pre-1965 New York Times crossword puzzles in .xd format .
You can search our crossword puzzle database to look for clues and answers, but most conveniently to help solve a crossword you're stuck on. If you don't know a letter in an answer, use a question mark in its place. Read our help page for lots of examples.
23 lis 2024 · With our simple to use Crossword Lookup tools you will find the answer you are looking for in seconds! Type in the clue you are given from the crossword puzzle into our search box and let our robots do the rest. If the clue is in our database our robots will find them. Using our "search by answer" feature simply put in a "?"
4 dni temu · Over 300,000 crossword clues answered in our database. Find the answer to your crossword clue & solve your crossword puzzle. Used by millions each month!
3 dni temu · Explore Crossword Solver for instant solutions to your favorite crossword puzzles. You can search by given clues, discover today's puzzles, and access expert help. Looking for crossword puzzle answers today or for past solutions? Crossword Solver handles all crossword types.
How to Search: Enter a crossword puzzle clue and either the length of the answer or an answer pattern. For unknown letters in the word pattern, you can use a question mark or a period.
The database has 2,174,390 crossword clues. There are a total of 246,250 unique words. Seen in 51,303 different crossword puzzles.