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County Program Access Information Home > Contract & Purchasing Services >
Sacramento County’s Contract and Purchasing Services Division bids and contracts for goods and services, professional consultants, and public works construction projects. This Division also manages the sale and disposal of personal property declared as surplus.
The Purchasing Section of Contract and Purchasing Services Division is responsible for the purchasing of all materials, supplies, products and services used by the County, and administers both contracts and purchase orders.
General Map Viewer - Find your General Plan designation, Zoning, Williamson Act status and more. GIS Data - Downloadable GIS Data from the Sacramento County GIS Department with links to other sources of data.
County of Sacramento. Sacramento, CA. All dates and times in Pacific Time. Subscribe. Questions? Visit Help Center. Procurement Portal. Projects; Calendar; All Departments. Active Search Advanced Search.
Sacramento County GIS Open Data Site offers access to various public records and maps for self-service viewing.