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The Government determines the list of contracting authorities under Paragraph 1, Point 1) of this Law, upon proposal made by line ministry in charge of finance and the Public Procurement Office.*
Public procurement is central to public infrastructure investment, which should reach USD 71trn by 2030. Public procurement refers to the purchase by governments and state-owned enterprises of goods, services and works. It is a crucial pillar of services delivery for governments.
Problem Public procurement is important (Cooper 19801) • In most nations, accounts for at least 20% of GDP2 • 83,000+ public procurement entities in the U.S.3 • National Institute of Governmental Purchasing membership4 o 2,100 agencies o 18,000 professionals • Means to accomplish public policy objectives (e.g., economic, social)5
We examine a new dataset of public procurement laws, practice, and outcomes in 187 countries. We measure regulation as restrictions on the discretion of the procuring entities.
This document provides information about the Certificate Program in Public Procurement (CPPP) developed by the World Bank. The CPPP is a free online course that provides an introduction to key concepts in public procurement.
• Binding on member states, candidates; harmonisation agreed with others • Needs to be transposed into national law • Emphasis on cross-border internal market access: publication, non- discrimination • Focus on award stage; planning, preparation and contract management almost absent . 5
Public procurement refers to the process by which public bodies purchase works, goods and services from suppliers through an open and competitive procedure in order to achieve quality and value for money. Some €2 trillion is spent on such procurement every year.