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Pobierz najnowszą aktualizację oprogramowania systemu PlayStation®3. Aktualizacja oprogramowania systemowego systemu PS3™ jest dostępna od 27 lutego 2024 r. Pobranie aktualizacji wymaga minimum 200 MB wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym PS3 (aktualizacja za pomocą systemu) lub na wymiennym nośniku pamięci (aktualizacja za pomocą komputera).
12 sie 2024 · Download update data using a PC and save on storage media* or a USB Mass Storage device. Copy the update data to the PS3 system's hard disk drive and perform the update. Instructions for...
27 lut 2024 · Get the latest PlayStation®3 system software update. An update to the PS3™ system software was released on 02/27/24. To download the update, you need a minimum of 200MB of free space on either the PS3 Hard Disk Drive (System Update) or on removable storage media (PC Update).
Try a different browser, I once had this issue and my browser was not downloading the pup correctly. Verify the downloaded file using the latest "Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Updates)" DAT file from with ClrMAME Pro or ROMVault. System Software 4.90 is in the latest DAT file.
For some reason, I can't download the 4.87 firmware update from the playstation website. The button does not work.
Followed the quick start guide, but hit a roadblock trying to download the firmware from the PlayStation website. I try to click it and nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?
8 sty 2021 · After SSD upgrade, I was unable to update PS3 with the firmware from Playstation website. The update from the link above worked. Thanks Haider.