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Find out if your email or password has been leaked to the public using this free tool that allows you to search across the largest data breaches ever leaked.
- How secure is your password?
Free to use online tool for checking to see if your password...
- How secure is your password?
Free to use online tool for checking to see if your password is unique, and has not yet been used by anyone else in the past.
5 mar 2024 · LeakSearch is a simple tool to search and parse plain text passwords using ProxyNova COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) over the Internet. You can define a custom proxy and you can also use your own password file, to search using different keywords: such as user, domain or password.
LeakSearch is a simple tool to search and parse plain text passwords using ProxyNova COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) over the Internet. You can define a custom proxy and you can also use your own password file, to search using different keywords: such as user, domain or password.
Estimate how long it would take for a hacker to crack your password when performing a brute-force attack against it.
LeakSearch is a simple tool to search and parse plain text passwords using ProxyNova COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) over the Internet. You can define a custom proxy and you can also use your own password file, to search using different keywords: such as user, domain or password.
Generate a password wordlist from a set of usernames using ProxyNova's Comb API. Given a list of usernames, the tool will create a list of passwords that has been leaked by those passwords. There are 2 output option: A list of all passwords. A list of dictionaries with the username as key and list of it's passwords as value.