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Please use the login page PERHATIAN *Untuk peserta AdMedika dapat menggunakan layanan e-card (scan QR Code) , apabila terjadi kendala dalam layanan e-card maka dapat menghubungi nomor helpline AdMedika yang tertera dibelakang kartu peserta atau klik menu helpline yang tertera di AdPass
Provider network shown are for general purpose. <br> To view your insurance provider network and available benefits, please insert your AdMedika card number. <br> Your insurance card are safely connected to AdMedika and information only stored temporary per user session.
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Helpline Office Hour 021-3483-1100 ext. 539 / 538 / 531 Mobile 0811-9149-276 Provider Team Technical Support Office Hour 021-3483-1100 ext. 393 / 394 After Office Hour 0811-1549-457
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 12, Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia. (021) 3483 1100 (021) 3483 0101; OFFICIAL SOCIAL CHANNELS
Healthical is a secure web-based information system for patient service administration and reporting. It integrates with BPJS Kesehatan, INA-CBGs, and AdMedika's claim server to improve service experience in healthcare institutions.
AdMedika Webclaim is an online platform that requires users to log in to access its services.