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17 cze 2024 · Let’s look at potential dangers and downsides to joining the Air Force. 10 Cons of Serving in the Air Force #1. You Won’t Always Get the Job You Want. After training, you are assessed to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
As a woman I've had zero issues with SA or harassment or sexism, but I've only been in for 2 years. I love it, I think Air Force is a bit safer than any of the other branches for women. Just watch who you hang around with like normal, don't hang around the wrong crowd and you probably won't find any trouble.
8 cze 2021 · What are the pros and cons of being a woman in the military? Check out the real-life stories of military women on the Women of the Military podcast. In this episode, I have pulled pieces of advice from some of the last 137 episodes with women sharing the advice they would give to young women considering military service.
Pro: Excellent training a usable skills on the outside (as a whole) compared to other branches. Con: promotions are harder to come by than army. Con: You sign away your right to quit for 4 or 6 years. It’s been a year, did you end up joining?
There are many reasons/benefits to joining. The cons would be you are told what job you will work (unless you are able to pick your actual job) you are told where to live, you are likely away from family and friends so you need to make new friends, you may not love the base you get put at.
6 mar 2023 · In celebration of Women's History Month, top women military leaders discussed the importance of recruiting and retaining the best and most competent personnel in the military. Use Up/Down...
8 mar 2023 · In celebration of Women's History Month, top women military leaders discussed the importance of recruiting and retaining the best and most competent personnel in the military.