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26 lip 2024 · This article walks through creating an extension for Firefox, from start to finish. The extension adds a red border to any pages loaded from "" or any of its subdomains. The source code for this example is on GitHub:
9 cze 2016 · I found the question How to install Firefox addon from command line in scripts? that seems to work for Firefox extensions (i.e. ones with an install.rdf file) but what about WebExtensions (extension with a manifest.json file instead)?
23 lip 2024 · window.prompt() instructs the browser to display a dialog with an optional message prompting the user to input some text, and to wait until the user either submits the text or cancels the dialog.
3 lip 2009 · Debugging a Firefox addon is a slow process: (1) edit source code in a JS editor (2) package into XPI using a build script (3) drag into Firefox to install (4) restart Firefox (5) open the JavaScript Debugger
This is a command line tool to help build, run, and test WebExtensions. Ultimately, it aims to support browser extensions in a standard, portable, cross-platform way. Initially, it will provide a streamlined experience for developing Firefox Extensions.
Install the web-ext tool. At the command line, open the example extension's folder and type web-ext run. This launches Firefox and installs the extension automatically. This tool provides some additional development features, such as automatic reloading.
25 lip 2024 · However, you can implement your own in-app UI to ask the user if they want to install the app, which will trigger the install prompt. The benefits of this are: You can provide more context about the app, explaining to the user why they might want to install it as a PWA.