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Project Pericles Inc. is a non-profit organization composed of liberal arts colleges and universities geared towards the ideas that social responsibility and participatory citizenship are essential parts of an undergraduate curriculum, in the classroom, on campus, and in the community.
A key objective of PERICLES is to set up pathways for the take- up and exploitation of project outputs in production environments, both commercially and in the public sector.
Project Pericles is a vibrant consortium of colleges and universities that promotes civic engagement within higher education. Building on the innovative vision of Eugene M. Lang, Project Pericles works in the classroom, on the campus, and in the community.
PERICLES (Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics) is a 4-year IP (2013-17), supported by the EC Seventh Framework Programme (ICT Call 9) under Grant Agreement
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Ontology developed by the PERICLES project that allows to model Digital Ecosystems: technical systems, processes, digital objects, policies and users to answer and simulate change related questions.