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PRIORITY COOLDOWN (PCD): Priority Cooldown will be activated once the suspects are caught or when they have escaped from authorities. Priority cooldown indicates that the priority is over and you cannot commit any priority RP/aggressive RP with anyone, you may only do passive RP.
- Fear RP
All characters must operate with some level of fear for...
- Cop Baiting
Cop baiting is prohibited, this is when your sole purpose is...
- Combat Logging
Combat logging is prohibited and is defined as when a player...
- New Life Rule
NLR. If your character gets hurt and dies/passes out, the...
- Modding, Glitching, and Exploiting
Using external crosshairs in-game is prohibited as it...
- Banned Behaviors & Scenarios
If you have a prior involvement in a scene, you do not...
- Fear RP
Priority cooldown indicates that the priority is over and you cannot commit any priority RP/aggressive RP with anyone, you may only do passive RP. If you have escaped, you should try to lay low and not attract the attention of authorities.
Priority is when you create a large scene with mass involvement of emergency services. Staff members are free to offer priority at any point in the game. Those seeking priority must follow specific steps provided in-game.
PCD - Priority Cooldown. PT - Peacetime. PIP - Priority In Progress. G6 - Gruppe Sech Security. SAFR - San Andreas Fire Rescue. CC - County Coroner (When CC is called to scene, it means dead players may respawn)
A Priority Cooldown is initiated following when; - An incident where shots are fired towards emergency personnel. - A pursuit that exceeds 2 Minutes is conducted. - Any call which involves kidnapping or harm of emergency personnel.
NLR. If your character gets hurt and dies/passes out, the moment they respawn after the timer ends they must forget everything that has led up to the moment, this means you must roleplay it out that your lost your memory or forgot what happened and cannot return back to the scene for revenge.
What is Priority Cooldown? Priority cooldown is a rate limit on how often players are able to commit certain crimes. Cooldown is separated by city and county jurisdiction and are implemented as separate timers.