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This form allows you to assemble a set of contiguous sequences (contigs) with the CAP3 program. If you use CAP3 in any published work, please cite the following reference: Huang, X. and Madan, A. (1999) CAP3: A DNA sequence assembly program. Genome Res., 9, 868-877.
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Sequence assembly with CAP3 Assembly of a set of contiguous...
- Software and Packages
20 lis 2014 · CAP3 (CONTIG ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Version 3) is a sequence assembly program for small-scale assembly with or without quality values. Click this link to open CAP3 homepage. CAP3 is embedded as an external tool into UGENE.
CAP3 (Contig Assembly Program) is a DNA sequence assembly program for small-scale assembly with or without quality values. The basic usage of CAP3 is: $ cap3 input_reads.fasta [ options ] > output.txt
CAP3 can be used in GAP4 of the Staden package. The improved program is named CAP3. These improvements allow CAP3 to take longer sequences of higher errors and produce more accurate consensus sequences. A forward-reverse constraint is often produced by sequencing both ends of a subclone.
Sequence assembly with CAP3 Assembly of a set of contiguous sequences (contigs).
The PRABI-Doua is devoted to bioinformatics tools available on-line or as downloadable software. Those tools are devoted to various research fields such as molecular evolution, phylogeny, comparative genomics, sequence databases and statistics in ecology.
CAP3: A DNA sequence assembly program. We describe the third generation of the CAP sequence assembly program. The CAP3 program includes a number of improvements and new features. The program has a capability to clip 5' and 3' low-quality regions of reads.