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Use this calculator to determine linear thermal expansion when designing PP-R piping systems to account for changes in pipe length and avoid costly issues.
- Design Tools
Easily estimate, plan, design and install your next piping...
- Design Tools
Easily estimate, plan, design and install your next piping project by using our estimating tools, PP-R pipe pressure test and linear expansion calculator.
Before you start installing Pestan PP-R and PPR-CT pipes and fittings for the transport of fluids under pressure both in the household and in the industrial sector apply,
PP‑R, PP‑RCT wykazują bardzo wysoką odporność na tem-peraturę. Przy stałym obciążeniu temperaturą 70°C eks-trapolowana trwałość rur PP‑R wynosi 50 lat. PP‑RCT jest materiałem o jeszcze lepszych właściwosciach wytrzymało-ściowych niz PP‑R. Szczegółowe informacje o odporności
The linear thermal expansion coefficient (α) for standard PPR pipes is 0.15mm/m⋅°K . This coefficient means that for every degree Celsius change in temperature, a meter of PP-R pipe will expand or contract by 0.15 mm. The formula to calculate thermal expansion is: ΔL=L×α×ΔT. Where:
Quickly estimate the cost of aquatherm PP-R piping materials, labor and tools for your next piping system. VIEW TOOL
Our PP-R/ PP-RCT (Polypropylene Random Copolymer / Random Crystallinity Temperature) pipes are specially designed to provide your buildings with an easy flow of hygienic hot and cold drinking water. Providing highly resistant solutions.