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  1. Microsoft Power Query for Excel, is a new add-in that provides a seamless experience for data discovery, data transformation and enrichment for Information Workers, BI professionals and other Excel users.

  2. 25 cze 2022 · According to this Microsoft Support page and various third party sources, Excel for Mac users should be able to activate Power Query Editor assuming they have opted into the Office Insider Program.

  3. You can import data into Excel using Power Query from a wide variety of data sources: Excel Workbook, Text/CSV, XML, JSON, SQL Server Database, SharePoint Online List, OData, Blank Table, and Blank Query.

  4. Dodatek Microsoft Power Query dla programu Excel to dodatek dla programu Excel, który rozszerza jego możliwości w zakresie korzystania z samoobsługowej analizy biznesowej, upraszczając odnajdowanie danych i dostęp do nich oraz współpracę między użytkownikami.

  5. 11 maj 2022 · At the moment, the Power Query Editor for Mac is only available to the Insider's Beta Channel for Microsoft 365. Learn more about how to join for free here: .

  6. We got our best engineers working on this project, and today we are glad to announce the first step in a journey to support Power Query in Excel for Mac. In this release, you can refresh your Power Query queries on Mac from Text, CSV, XLSX, XML and JSON files.

  7. 11 maj 2022 · Power Query in Excel for Mac allows you to clean and shape your data from local files, SharePoint, SQL, as well as from tables and ranges.

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