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  2. skip to main content. skip to main content. MERCK MANUAL Veterinary Manual

  3. 14 maj 2013 · Before they eliminate, pot bellied pigs will lift up their tail and arch their back; sometimes their back legs will move. Because they don't cover their solid waste or dig through it, they don't need their elimination area to have a loose composite texture or a granular surface.

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  5. Elderly potbellied pigs may have abscessed and/or exposed roots with decayed teeth. An x‑ray may be required to diagnose dental root problems. Extraction of abscessed teeth may be necessary.

  6. Pigs with elongated canine teeth may show persistent chewing motions and heavy salivation. Tooth trimming requires sedation or anesthesia and is often accompanied by a tetanus vaccination and removal of accumulated tartar and other debris from around other teeth to maintain good dental hygiene.

  7. TEETH — The Vietnamese potbelly pigs will have normal and non-sharp teeth but can still bite really hard onto food. All pigs usually get their needle sharp teeth clipped moments or hours after birth.

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