Search results
Try searching for the street address if you know it. Don't worry about abbreviations - we accept the most common abbreviations for addresses (eg 'Rd', 'St', 'Ave'). If you still can't see the address you're looking for please report it to us here .
- Dod O Hyd I Gyfeiriad
Os ydych wedi sylwi fod rhan neu gyfan eich cyfeiriad yn...
- Send an Item
Whether you're sending one item or several, buying postage...
- Dod O Hyd I Gyfeiriad
Try entering the address into the search at the top of the page to lookup the right code to use. Also available, try using our country map to find your needed zip/postal code. Postal code lists are compiled from GeoNames, free sources and our own manually curated datasets.
Our person search allows you to search for people by name and/or address. Most people enter a name or partial name (e.g. surname) and a location, usually a city/town or partial postcode. Alternatively you can search by address using the advanced search.
ThatsThem is a completaly free people search service that allows you to find a person's phone number, email and more by searching their name and/or address.
Find UK addresses - search by name, location or postcode to track down people or to check the occupants of an address with, the UK's leading people and business finder.
You can use our Postcode Finder to look up an address or postcode. Just start typing a postcode or any part of an address and results will start appearing.
The United States Postal Service (USPS) recently paired up with the White Pages to provide a free online search engine that will allow you to search for a person or business. This search service is helpful if you are trying to locate an old friend or a long lost relative.