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Chicky Farm to bezczynna gra, w której zarządzasz własną farmą kurczaków! Twoje dni na farmie wypełnione są różnymi zadaniami — karmieniem kurczaków sianem, pomaganiem w wylęganiu jaj, zbieraniem jaj i ich sprzedażą.
Chicky Farm is an idle game that puts you in charge of your very own chicken farm! Your days on the farm are filled with various tasks—feeding chickens with hay, assisting in hatching eggs, collecting eggs, and selling them.
Chicky Farm is een inactief spel waarin jij de leiding hebt over je eigen kippenboerderij! Je dagen op de boerderij zijn gevuld met verschillende taken: kippen voeren met hooi, helpen bij het uitbroeden van eieren, eieren rapen en ze verkopen.
For those who prefer casual gaming with a strategic bent, Chicky Farm stands out as a pleasant and captivating idle game. As you grow your farm and work to breed the happiest chickens, the game's straightforward gameplay and strategic depth in farm management. Play Chicky Farm online on Chrome, Edge or other modern browsers and enjoy the fun.
Chicky Farm is an idle game that puts you in charge of your very own chicken farm! Your days on the farm are filled with various tasks—feeding chickens with hay, assisting in hatching eggs, collecting eggs, and selling them.
Chicky Farm offers you the chance to run your own chicken farm in this idle game! From feeding chickens and assisting in egg hatching to collecting and selling eggs, your days on the farm are bustling with activity.
Chicky Farm to bezczynna gra, w której zarządzasz własną farmą kurczaków! Twoje dni na farmie wypełnione są różnymi zadaniami — karmieniem kurczaków sianem, pomaganiem w wylęganiu jaj, zbieraniem jaj i ich sprzedażą.