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This page contains the Action Replay codes I have for Pokemon Black, a game on the NDS. If you are using a physical NDS console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device in order to make use of the codes on this page and website.
- EXP Modifier Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay codes I have for...
- EXP Modifier Action Replay Codes (USA)
NOTE: Action Replay Firmware v1.71+(AR DS) or v1.25+ (AR DSi) REQUIRED! Firmware can be found in the support section of
The following are known Action Replay Codes for Pokemon Black Version on Nintendo DS (NDS). Action Replay DS Firmware 1.71+ or Action Replay DSi Firmware 1.25+ is required. Game ID: IRBO-106820A5
This page contains the Action Replay codes I have for Pokemon Black, a game on the NDS. If you are using a physical NDS console then you will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device in order to make use of the codes on this page and website.
As there are a lot of action replays code out there, i have been thinking of gathering and posting every codes which i have found here... HOW TO SEARCH THE CODE YOU WANT?? - PRESS "Ctrl" with...
6 mar 2011 · Pokémon Black Version Action Replay Codes . Also see Cheats for more help on Pokémon Black Version.
EU and US versions of this game use the same Action Replay codes. (E)/ (U) means Europe/US, i.e both. They been out since Friday. "When we die we go bye bye." They don't play ROMs so those...