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  1. › wiki › MorfinaMorfina - Wikipedia

    Morfina. Appearance. Nga Wikipedia, enciklopedia e lirë. Model i animuar i molekulës së Morfinës. Modeli tredimensional. Modeli në formë topash. Morfina është një opiat i fortë që gjendet natyrshëm në opium, një rrëshirë kafe e errët në lulekuqe (Papaver somniferum).

  2. › wiki › Poison_pillPoison pill - Wikipedia

    Poison pill may refer to: Suicide pill, a physical pill for suicide by poison. Poison pill amendment or wrecking amendment, an addition to a legislative bill that renders it ineffective.

  3. A shareholder rights plan, colloquially known as a " poison pill ", is a type of defensive tactic used by a corporation 's board of directors against a takeover.

  4. 28 kwi 2024 · A poison pill is a defense tactic used to deter activist investors or acquirers from amassing enough shares to take control or staging a takeover without a board's consent.

  5. › wiki › MorphineMorphine - Wikipedia

    It was first used as a poison in 1822 when Edme Castaing of France was convicted of murdering a patient. [137] Commercial production began in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1827 by the pharmacy that became the pharmaceutical company Merck, with morphine sales being a large part of their early growth.

  6. Sir Alexander Fleming (6 gusht 1881 – 11 mars 1955) ishte një mjek dhe mikrobiolog skocez, më i njohur për zbulimin e substancës së parë antibiotike me efekt të gjerë në botë, të cilën ai e quajti penicilinë.

  7. Poison pill to metoda obrony przed wrogimi przejęciami na rynku kapitałowym. Polega na zaciąganiu niekorzystnych zobowiązań, co zniechęca potencjalnych inwestorów.

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