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ПАО АНК «Башнефть» ведет разведку и добычу нефти на территории Республики Башкортостан, Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа, Ненецкого автономного округа, Оренбургской области и Республики Татарстан, также ведет геологоразведку в Ираке и Мьянме.
The integration of Bashneft's enterprises into Rosneft's production processes has increased production efficiency by an order of magnitude thanks to the mutual supply of components between the refineries.
ANK Bashneft OAO Jun 2019 - Jul 2019 2 ... Moscow, Russia Was introduced to the structure of the company and went on 2 business trips to Ufa, planned the event "Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC "Bashneft". Worked with the Department of Sale of Light Oil Products, Department of Innovation Development. Education
15 lip 2014 · In 2013, Bashneft-Novoil was granted the European Standard award by Eurostan-dard for its compliance with international regulations and the demands made on the. organisation of its business processes, management and end product quality. Reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities at the refinery complex.
Bashneft – Novoil is one of the biggest producers of high-quality petroleum products in Russia.
Bashneft is a Russian oil company formed by the transfer of the oil related assets of the Soviet oil ministry in Bashkortostan to the regional government of the Republic of Bashkortostan by Boris Yeltsin.
PJSC ANC Bashneft (a subsidiary of PJSC NK Rosneft), one of the oldest enterprises of the Russian oil industry, has been mining since 1932. The extensive oil reserves and the Company’s resource base are located in three major oil producing regions of Russia: the Volga-Ural province, Timan-Pechora.