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  1. Gitlow was prosecuted in a New York trial court for violating the state's criminal anarchy law. Under the leadership of Clarence Darrow, Gitlow's defense attorneys alleged that the statute violated the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of expression.

  2. 9 sty 2017 · In 1925 two subway lines were held up for hours to spare a couple of kittens, a police officer stalled traffic on Centre Street in downtown Manhattan to let a mother cat and her kitten cross the street.

  3. According to the book Great News Photos and the Stories Behind Them a tip was phoned in to the N. Y. News on July 29, 1925 about a cat tying up traffic carrying a kitten across Center Street. A photographer for the newspaper, Harry Warnecke, found the owner of the cat and asked permission to restage the incident.

  4. 1 sty 2009 · In Gitlow v. New York (1925), the Supreme Court voted 7-2 to uphold the constitutionality of New York’s Criminal Anarchy Statute of 1902, which prohibited advocating violent overthrow of the government.

  5. Znajdź obrazy z kategorii Pies I Kot Bez wynagrodzenia autorskiego Nie wymaga przypisania Obrazy o wysokiej jakości.

  6. 20 lut 2023 - Odkryj należącą do użytkownika Kazimierz Robakowski tablicę „PIESKI I KOTKI” na Pintereście. Zobacz więcej pomysłów na temat zwierzęta, najsłodsze zwierzęta, słodkie zwierzaki.

  7. Pobierz i wykorzystaj bezpłatnie zdjęcia (Psy I Koty) z galerii — jest ich aż 100 000+. Codziennie tysiące nowych obrazów Do wykorzystania całkowicie za darmo Wysokiej jakości filmy i obrazy od Pexels

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