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Pie charts (circle charts); students create pie charts with a one to one correspondence between data items and pie chart slices. Free | Worksheets | Grade 2 | Printable.
- Reading Pie Charts
Pie charts make it easy to compare the relative size of...
- Reading Pie Charts
Read & interpret data on pie graphs (circle graphs). These printables feature basic pie graphs with basic fractions, as well as advanced ones with percentages.
In the everyday world students cope with scads of information, some in the form of visual displays: tables, graphs, scatterplots, and so on. Students need to know how to read these displays to get the straight facts.
8 mar 2021 · The Corbettmaths Practice Questions on drawing pie charts and reading pie charts.
Pie charts make it easy to compare the relative size of groups of data. In these data worksheets, students read pie charts to qualitatively analyze data. Open PDF
Pie Charts: Worksheets with Answers Whether you want a homework, some cover work, or a lovely bit of extra practise, this is the place for you. And best of all they all (well, most!) come with answers.
PIE CHARTS – PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1. 20 people were asked whether they were left or right handed. 15 people answered right-handed and the other 5 answered left-handed. In the space below, construct an accurate pie chart to represent the results. 2. 30 people were asked what their favourite season was. The results are shown in the table.