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  1. › grapher › natural-gas-proved-reservesGas reserves - Our World in Data

    20 cze 2024 · Depending on the data, this can include standardizing country names and world region definitions, converting units, calculating derived indicators such as per capita measures, as well as adding or adapting metadata such as the name or the description given to an indicator.

  2. List of world countries by proven natural Gas Reserves in million cubic feet (MMcf), and per capita.

  3. Ranking the total natural gas reserves by country, from highest to lowest. Proven Natural Gas Reserves are determined through geological and engineering processes to produce an estimated value of gas stocks in the ground.

  4. Gas reserves. Where in the world do we have gas reserves? Which countries have the ability to extract, consume, and trade? In the interactive chart, we see proven gas reserves across the world. It's important to distinguish reserves versus resources here. "Proven reserves" represent gas that we know with reasonable certainty could be recovered ...

  5. Bar chart showing reserves of natural gas by country (World). Country rankings derived from data obtained from the US Energy Information Administration.

  6. 25 lip 2024 · Global proved natural gas reserves amounted to some 206 trillion standard cubic meters in 2023. Since 1960, continued growth in the exploration & production industry has resulted in the...

  7. This file contains time series of gas data for 38 OECD countries and 14 European non-OECD countries from 1960 to 2023, with the 2023 data being provisional and sectoral demand data being available for select countries.