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A gang member uses graffiti, hand signs, tattoos and color to signify their membership in a gang and to communicate their gang affiliation to others. Each gang has its own unique symbol, sign, colors, jewelry and dress.
The information and graphics displayed in this booklet are intended to assist law enforcement officers, teachers and parents in identifying gang symbols, graffiti and practices. The information was obtained from sources which to the best of our knowledge are reliable and authentic.
Depictions of gang symbols are provided for the following gangs: Bloods, Crips, People Nation, Folk Nation, Latino gangs, prison gangs, Asian gangs, outlaw motorcycle gangs, hate groups/extremists, occult groups, terrorist groups, and miscellaneous gangs.
Basic Street Gangs: “Hand Signs” Michael “Bishop” Brown. Crip Clique. ‘b’ for Blood
11 wrz 2023 · Welcome to our comprehensive guide on decoding gang signs using PDF resources. In this article, we aim to help you understand the intricate world of gang symbolism and how it can be deciphered from various sources available online in the form of PDF documents.
The introductory section discusses gang organization and general notes on identifying gangs. Other chapters cover gang- related terminology, basic identifiers, and hand signs/manual alphabets used by gang members.
25 kwi 2019 · Signs and symbols. It’s important to know your gang’s signs and symbols – especially with subsets and cliques of the same gang. For example, a tag with the symbols of multiple subsets demonstrates unity. You can learn about these signs and symbols from: Graffiti; Social media; Cell searches of jails;