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muscles are associated with the upper extremity; intermediate muscles are associated with respiration ; deep muscles are associated with movements of the trunk and back (see chart for muscle names, actions and innervation).
2 paź 2024 · This human anatomy module is composed of diagrams, illustrations and 3D views of the back, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal areas as well as the various vertebrae. It contains the osteology, arthrology and myology of the spine and back.
25 kwi 2022 · Get free human anatomy worksheets and study guides to download and print. This is a collection of free human anatomy worksheets. The completed worksheets make great study guides for learning bones, muscles, organ systems, etc. The worksheets come in a variety of formats for downloading and printing. In most cases, the PDF worksheets print the best.
30 paź 2023 · Discover the origins, insertions, innervations, and functions of every muscle with our muscle anatomy charts. Available as PDF or on iTunes. Get yours now!
Learn human anatomy with detailed articles, videos, activity sheets of musculoskeletal, organs & more! Download anatomical posters as PDFs for your medical study.
Back Muscles, Functions and Exercises: Anatomy of the Back Muscles The Latissimus Dorsi muscles (also known as the Lats) are the largest muscles of the back. Being large, fan-shaped muscles, they are able to provide force in a wide range of body positions, e.g. leaning back to straight vertical and all points in between.
You’ll find over 40 full color pages of learning and fun covering the organs of the human body and the major body systems. In this packet you will find: Fill-in-the-blank worksheets and summary pages for. Flashcards. Scripture copywork pages for handwriting practice. Head here to download your free printables. Enjoy!