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26 wrz 2008 · @JMTyler var_export returns a parsable string—essentially PHP code—while var_dump provides a raw dump of the data. So, for example, if you call var_dump on an integer with the value of 1, it would print int(1) while var_export just prints out 1 .
As Bryan said, it is possible to capture var_dump() output to a string. But it's not quite exact if the dumped variable contains HTML code. You can use this instead:
The var_dump() function dumps information about one or more variables. The information holds type and value of the variable(s).
9 sty 2024 · The var_dump() function in PHP is a versatile tool that can significantly aid in debugging by showing a variable’s data type and value. From basic usage on strings and integers to more complex examples illustrating arrays, objects, and even extending functionality with xdebug, var_dump() remains a PHP developer’s trusty companion.
Use the var_dump() function to dump the information about a variable. Wrap the output of the var_dump() function in a pre tag to make the output more readable. The die() function terminates the script immediately.
30 gru 2019 · How to capture the result of var dump to a string in PHPn - The resultant value of var_dumo can be extracted to a string using ‘output buffering’. Below is an example demonstrating the same −Example Live Demo.
25 sty 2024 · Generating permanent artifacts of var_dump() data will accelerate your skills for assessing, optimizing and bulletproofing application logic. Let’s explore professional techniques to master this capability… Before digging into code, it’s useful examining the industry perspective on debugging.