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You are POSTing the json incorrectly -- but even if it were correct, you would not be able to test using print_r($_POST) (read why here). Instead, on your second page, you can nab the incoming request using file_get_contents("php://input"), which will contain the POSTed json. To view the received data in a more readable format, try this:
21 cze 2022 · PHP CURL post and receive JSON data. This example shows how to send a PHP cURL post in JSON format. It also receives the cURL response in the format of JSON. This code guides creating API services to get requests and send responses in JSON format.
25 lut 2023 · In this article, we’ve shown you how to POST JSON data with PHP cURL in a step-by-step guide. By setting the URL and JSON data, setting the cURL options, and sending the request, and handling the response, you can easily send JSON data in a POST request using PHP cURL.
15 kwi 2023 · In this tutorial, we will show you how to POST JSON data using PHP cURL and get JSON data in PHP. The following example makes an HTTP POST request and send the JSON data to URL with cURL in PHP. Specify the URL ($url) where the JSON data to be sent. Initiate new cURL resource using curl_init ().
Learn how to send a POST request with JSON data using the PHP cURL library. Useful when working with API services or building your own.
6 lut 2024 · PHP provides a curl_init () function to initialize a cURL session, allowing you to configure and execute POST requests with fine-grained control. Example: . curl_error($ch)); Define the target URL and the data to be sent. Initialize a cURL session using curl_init () function.
3 lip 2017 · If you wanna use Content-type: application/json and raw data, seem your data should be in json format $ch = curl_init(); $headers = [ 'x-api-key: XXXXXX', 'Content-Type: application/json' ]; $postData = [ 'data1' => 'value1', 'data2' => 'value2' ]; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"XXXXXX"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch ...