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16 maj 2022 · According to Plato, the soul, conceived of as self, has three parts, namely: 1) the rational soul, 2) the spiritual soul, and. 3) the appetitive soul. For Plato, the rational soul is located in the head. Being located in the head, the rational soul enables the human person to think, reflect, analyze, and do other cognitive functions.
The chapter argues that Critias’ proposal that temperance is self-knowledge, and its subsequent examination by Socrates, initially offers the reader a picture of self-knowledge as a reflexive self-awareness of the content of mental states.
The chapter argues that Plato's psychology represents our motivations as themselves person-like with the aim of showing us the lineaments of philosophic virtue and of the self-transformation required for its development.
Visual aids to Lectures on: - Questions of the Self, - Narrative Construction of the Self, - The Ancient Greek Conception of the Self, - How to Read a Platonic Dialogue, and - The Self in Plato's Republic
In this chapter, the author illuminates the way self-knowledge and theoretical knowledge are intimately related through a close reading of Plato’s most famous image.
6 gru 2010 · Challenging traditional views, Plato offers new, philosophical “selves” who achieve different modes of self-knowledge. In the early dialogues, Plato portrays a philosopher who comes to know himself even as he seeks for truths that he cannot fully grasp.
28 maj 2002 · We don't want to be alien to, or at war with, ourselves; and it seems that when our intentions are not under our own control, we suffer from self-alienation. What conditions must be satisfied in order to ensure that we govern ourselves when we act? Philosophers have offered a wide range of competing answers to this question. 1. Introduction; 2.