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Peter Benjamin Parker is a superhero portrayed by Tom Holland in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name—also known by his alias, Spider-Man.
Peter Benjamin Parker is a former Midtown School of Science and Technology student who gained superhuman abilities and fought crime across New York City as the superhero Spider-Man. While he juggled his hero duties with the demands of his high-school life, he was recruited by Tony Stark to join...
Peter Parker forged a name for himself in New York City and became well-known as a local neighborhood hero, fighting against Vulture, who is creating advanced weapons from stolen alien technology.
Spider-Man has the secret identity of Peter Benjamin Parker. Initially, Peter was depicted as a teenage high-school student and an orphan raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York City after his parents, Richard and Mary Parker, died in a plane crash.
Peter Benjamin Parker is a resident of New York City, the nephew of Ben and May Parker, and a former student of Midtown School of Science and Technology. He was bitten by a genetically altered spider and developed superhuman abilities similar to that of a spider.
Peter's relationships with Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy do not exist in the series. Instead MCU Peter Parker's best friend is Ned Leeds and his girlfriend's name is Michelle Jones-Watson and the first girl Peter crosses on is Liz Allan instead of Gwen.
Mary Jane first appears as Peter Parker narrates the first few minutes of the film. She is depicted as a popular girl at Midtown High School and the girlfriend of star athlete Flash Thompson, while Peter, her next-door neighbor who has had a crush on her since they were in first grade, is an academically gifted but shy outsider. Peter struggles ...