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The FIRESTORM JPX 2 GEN 2 Pepper Spray Gun uses a replaceable magazine with two chambers of extremely hot pepper resin, and quickly snaps on the frame. The power of each payload combined with reloading makes the JPX 2 GEN 2 Pepper Spray Gun extremely effective for interventions.
The Piexon JPX Jet Protector Pepper Gun is a reloadable high-tech OC delivery system. Each cartridge (two per magazine) fires exceptionally potent liquid OC at 405 mph (590 feet per second) with effective distance of 23 feet.
These non-lethal guns allow you to disable to attacker with a highly concentrated spray that will cause the person to have difficulty seeing and breathing. The right pepper spray gun may leave the person disabled and impacted for 10 – 15 minutes or longer.
2 lip 2019 · This high-tech pepper spray gun is the latest development from Piexon, the expert for professional pepper spray from Switzerland. With the Piexon JPX6 combines the easy and fast handling of the well-known Jet Protector JPX2 with a 4-shot magazine for even more safety at a distance.
It has a 2 shot magazine and includes a built-in laser. The JPX 2 can fire liquid pepper up to 23 feet at 405 MPH from the nozzel. BEFORE FIRING YOUR JPX GUN, TEST FIRE THE TRIGGER PULL WITHOUT THE CARTRIDGE IN THE GUN.
3 wrz 2022 · With the target laser, aiming is significantly simplified and the target is reliably hit even at a longer distance. The JPX II Generation 2 is a combination of the handling and comfort of the JPX II and the superior ergonomics of the JPX IV.
Piexon JPX Pepper Spray gun. google-site-verification: google8b77510e3c0000d8.html ... My Account; Contact Us; My Account | Hi Guest, Login? JPX Cobra Pepper Guns/> PH: 480-861-5230 FIRESTORM DEFENSE . 0 Items View Cart 0 Items ... JPX 2 STANDARD NO LASER; JPX 2 Pepper Gun Bundles. JPX 2 LE Magazines. JPX 2 Gun Holsters.