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If you're ENFP and your leading edge function is Fi, you're Ne-Fi. Fi is concerned with your identity via emotions. The opposing force is Te, your reasoning via society and the world at large.
19 sie 2020 · Dwie z czterech (intuicja i poznanie – Ni, Ne, Si, Se) są skupione na percepcji, przetwarzaniu informacji i badaniu możliwości. Dwie pozostałe natomiast (myślenie i odczuwanie – Ti, Te, Fi, Fe) związane są z podejmowaniem decyzji i osądami , a więc definiują sposób wysnuwaniu wniosków i wprowadzaniu w życie planów.
This would make sense because Ti is your highest function, Fe is your lowest function, and Ne is more used than Se. If you’re not sure that fits, other possibilities are ISTP (Ti>Se>Ni>Fe), INFP (Fi>Ne>Si>Te), and ISFP (Fi>Se>Ni>Te); these all also fit your function order very well!!
Definicja: pedantic Pedantic means "teach-y", or someone who is always trying to teach you something. It is always a negative word. A pedantic person is someone who is always correcting your grammar, or trying to seem intelligent by telling you small, irrelevant facts or going on about some subject until it becomes boring.
Ti: Wants to understand everything. Unlike Te, which wants to use the information. Te sees its ideas to fruition, Ti is content once the idea is understood. Fe: Empathizes. Wants to achieve harmony in the group. Wants to be liked by the group. Often intuitive understanding of how others are feeling. Unlike Fi, which is sympathetic.
pedantic - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "pedantic" po polsku? - pedantyczny.
Tłumaczenia w kontekście hasła "pedantic" z angielskiego na polski od Reverso Context: The topic is rather pedantic and intimate.