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23 gru 2019 · This Peavey PA 200 public address amplifier was made some time in the early 1970s. Among other things, these heads sound great with bass guitar. With a littl...
This Peavey Standard public address amplifier was made some time in the early to mid 1970s. These heads have a wide variety of applications, including guitar...
Today at OGW Studios we take a look at the Peavey Max 450 Bass Head.For more OGW Studios content check out the links below.
7 sie 2013 · Not to jack the thread, however I am currently looking into either a Mark III or IV amp to go with a Peavey 410 cab. How do you like them and which of the two (and their generations if possible) would you suggest?
I have a peavey powered PA head, it works but it's a little lifeless and lacks clarity. I find using senny mics helps breathe more life into vocals than a 58. Also running through bottom tier JBL JRXs doesn't help, using my new PRXs kinda helps.
8 gru 2008 · I currently use an 8 channel/200W Peavey (dual mon/pwr amp combo) head with unpowered JBL Eons and EV monitors. This combination sound great - very natural sounding vocals and enough power for small clubs up to some outdoor winery type gigs with up to 500 people. plus it's very light and easy to carry.
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