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Here, How to Kill a Dog (HTKAD), consisting of director Jennifer Vedsted Christiansen and actor and musician Emma Sehested Høeg, meet with Kirsten Astrup and Maria Bordorff for a conversation about HTKAD's practice.
Purpose of PDF 417: PDF417 barcode emerged with a fundamental mission—to revolutionize encoding methods by efficiently storing vast and intricate data within a limited space. In the realm of barcodes, prior methods struggled to handle extensive files and complex data, primarily limited to alphanumeric characters with a few special symbols.
“How to Kill a Dog is an artistic duo/GROUP? who has rapidly achieved a cult status. With a format mixing both performance, storytelling and concert, they explore the role of the woman in modern society through a constant negotiation of sexuality, body and gender.”
To Kill a Mockingbird) – powieść obyczajowa amerykańskiej pisarki Harper Lee, wydana w 1960 roku, w kolejnym roku uhonorowana nagrodą Pulitzera. Przedstawia życie w małym miasteczku na południu USA w okresie Wielkiego Kryzysu, w tym problem rasizmu. W powieści znajdują się wątki autobiograficzne.
How to kill a dog undersøger i ’Lolita for altid’ den unge pige som en paradoksal figur i vores samfund, hvis udseende og adfærd tilskriver hende privilegier – men også gør hende sårbar og sætter hende i bås.
23 sie 2022 · I Bikubenfondens serie med Artistic Practice-videoer er turen nu kommet til artiststudio How To Kill A Dog, der har en udtalt mission om at indtage teaterscenernes nærværende rum, så det intime bliver politisk.
How To Kill A Dog takes a refined approach to gender-political themes. Today’s woman is entirely in the forefront and becomes de-mythologized and emancipated from all the roles that she has had no part in defining.