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CURIOUS GEORGE is an animated series based on the popular books by Margret and H.A. Rey and airs daily on PBS KIDS. Aimed at preschool viewers (ages three to five), the goal of the series is to inspire children to explore science, engineering, and math in the world around them.
- George's Busy Day
The contents of George's Busy Day online features were...
- Busy Day in Spanish
The contents of George's Busy Day online features were...
- Build-a-Bot
Build-a-Bot - Curious George . Games - PBS KIDS
- Secret Agent George
Secret Agent George - Curious George . Games - PBS KIDS
- Pumpkin Boo
Pumpkin Boo - Curious George . Games - PBS KIDS
- George's Hearts and Crafts
George's Hearts and Crafts - Curious George . Games - PBS...
- TV Schedule
TV Schedule - Curious George . Games - PBS KIDS
- Video Clips
Video Clips - Curious George . Games - PBS KIDS
- George's Busy Day
CURIOUS GEORGE is an animated series based on the popular books by Margret and H.A. Rey and airs daily on PBS KIDS. Aimed at preschool viewers (ages three to five), the goal of the series is to inspire children to explore science, engineering, and math in the world around them.
Play games with your PBS KIDS favorites like Curious George, Wild Kratts, Daniel Tiger and Peg + Cat!
CURIOUS GEORGE is an animated series based on the popular books by Margret and H.A. Rey and airs daily on PBS KIDS. Aimed at preschool viewers (ages three to five), the goal of the series is to inspire children to explore science, engineering, and math in the world around them.
Locate the hidden numbers and number names, and well as George's hidden animal friends!
Play the best Curious George Games online for free to help the cute monkey in his many adventures with The Man with the Yellow Hat. Among the most popular activities you can play with Curious George are:
Learn about math and play games with your favorite characters like Odd Squad, Curious George, Peg + Cat, and Dinosaur Train!