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  1. 5 kwi 2023 · The role of Passover in Holy Week and the paschal imagery is central to Catholic liturgy. However, it is contrary to Catholic teaching to “baptize” Jewish liturgy by superimposing Christian symbolism on Jewish practice.

  2. 15 lut 2024 · Passover holds profound significance in Catholicism, serving as a cornerstone of the faith's theological and spiritual tapestry. This ancient Jewish festival, also known as Pesach, commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and their exodus under the leadership of Moses.

  3. 2 kwi 2015 · These two liturgical events are connected, and Catholics of Jewish origin stress that recognizing this connection can help give context and deepen the understanding of Christ's Paschal...

  4. 1 maj 2007 · In the synoptic Gospels, Jesus offers the Lord’s Supper “on the first day of unleavened bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb” (Mark 14:12; cf. Matt. 26:17, Luke 22:7). That would mean Jesus said the first Mass on Thursday, the fourteenth of Nisan.

  5. 18 maj 2014 · Our Jewish ancestors in faith celebrate Passover to recall their redemption from slavery in Egypt. On Holy Thursday and throughout the celebration of the Triduum, we recall that Jesus redeemed us from the slavery of sin and death. During the Jewish Passover celebration, our Jewish brothers and sisters drink wine and eat unleavened bread.

  6. 5 kwi 2023 · Christians recognize the Passover is a picture of what God the Father would do 1300 years later in Israel. He would sacrifice His only begotten Son – Jesus – who is called the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sin of the world.

  7. The feast of the Passover begins on the fourteenth day of Nisan (a lunar month which roughly corresponds with the latter part of March and the first part of April) and ends with the twenty-first. The Jews now, as in ancient times, make elaborate preparations for the festival.

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