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Access the Corona-Norco Unified School District's Parent Portal for student and district information.
Q PARENT CONNECT MOBILE APP. FEATURES: View your student's profile and many more!
Each school's ParentVUE/StudentVUE is available in English and Spanish. Students can use StudentVUE to check grades, assignments, calendars, teacher contact information. Families who have more than one student in SMUSD can access all student information using their ParentVUE username and password.
Q Parent Connect: Your online connection to your student's grades and attendance To access your student's grades, you will want to go to Q parent connect at:
School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) CA School Dashboard; School Profile; School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) School Compact & Parent Engagement Policy
There are two options for completing Online Registration: Download the Q Parent Connection app (available on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store) and complete online registration from your mobile device! You will also be able to access your student's grades, attendance, and more.
USING THE PARENT CONNECTION WEBSITE 1) Log in with your PIN and password 2) Select your student 3) Select the Hybrid Cohort Info section and view your students assigned cohort