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  1. 9 gru 2023 · When looking at what eats wasps, you’ll find that they have natural predators that include some types of reptiles and amphibians. Both birds and other insects eat these bugs as do some types of mammals such as badgers.

  2. The predator in your photo is a Robber Fly known as a Hanging Thief, and it is eating a Polistes Paper Wasp. Hanging Thieves in the genus Diogmites, get their common name from the way they hang while eating.

  3. Predators: Natural predators such as birds, spiders, and other insects may prey on paper wasps, especially foraging workers and drones. Parasites : Paper wasp colonies can be susceptible to parasitism by various species of wasp parasitoids that lay their eggs in or near the paper wasp nest.

  4. 27 paź 2022 · Predators: Dragonfly, beetles, mantes, centipedes, and birds. Diet. They mainly feed on caterpillars and larvas, including cabbageworm, hornworm, tent caterpillar, and sawfly larvae. Some populations have been found to eat monarch butterfly caterpillars.

  5. The European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) is one of the most common and well-known species of social wasps in the genus Polistes. Its diet is more diverse than those of most Polistes species—many genera of insects versus mainly caterpillars in other Polistes —giving it superior survivability compared to other wasp species during a ...

  6. Natural Pest Control: Paper wasps are efficient predators of various garden pests, including caterpillars, beetles, and flies. By preying on these insects, paper wasps help in keeping the pest population in check naturally.

  7. 17 sty 2024 · Paper wasps, renowned for their distinctive yellow and brown markings and slender bodies, are prevalent pests across various climates. They exhibit a blend of social behavior, efficient predation, and an intriguing ability to construct unique umbrella-shaped nests from a paper-like pulp.

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