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On the ECOMP site you can register for an account, initiate a claim, upload documents, submit forms, and access your case. OWCP's Federal Employees Program has made a variety of forms available online.
Depending upon your agency, start by filing OSHA's Form 301, then file a claim using either form CA-1 (for traumatic injury) or form CA-2 (for occupational disease). After you have received an official FECA case number, you may also file form CA-7 (Claim for Compensation).
After selecting the user type “Claimant,” they will be directed to the log-in page where they must enter their case file number, date of birth, and date of injury. A “Bill Status In-quiry” screen will then appear for queries concerning bills—either re- solved or in process.
View the status of medical and pharmacy bills submitted in your claim by logging onto ECOMP. If you are a FECA, Energy or Longshore stakeholder, you can also view your case and the status of any disability claims.
Claimant Query System (CQS) - Now part of ECOMP, allows an injured worker to view information on case status, compensation claim status and compensation payments.
In order to claim disability compensation, complete Form CA-7, which may be obtained from your employing agency, and submit it to your supervisor or injury compensation specialist. Be sure to include medical evidence supporting disability for all periods claimed.
Following submission of a claim via ECOMP, employees can view and print copies of documents, can check the status of a claim and will expeditiously receive a claim number to be used to obtain medical care associated with an injury.