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  1. i have been wanting to make a spreadsheet with all the maps i would recomment players (5 digit and 6 digit players) to play; soo i made a spreadsheet doing just that :D.

  2. As some other players have done in the past, I've decided to export my osu! maps for everyone to download! This is my ENTIRE song folder, started on 2014-05-11 and exported on 2023-02-25. My main menu says that I have 65780 beatmaps.

  3. Browse user-submitted osu! beatmap collections. osu!Collector. Recent Popular Users Desktop Client Tournaments. Search. Upload. Login. practice maps. 96. 0. 0 ... Mapped by Smoothie World. 3:24 202 bpm. ... Turn The Music Up ...

  4. This is a song list export of my current osu!lazer install, and it features a bunch of ranked and loved mapsets ranging from 2007 to 2021 + a couple unranked mapsets (I think like 10 or something) + also the long stream practice maps by onlyforyou.

  5. Download osu! to create your own account! Download beatmap listing. 1. Gou Zhi Qi Shi. by Ling Yuan yousa. mapped by Suimya. 8 ... Connect (TV Size) by Tennoji Rina (CV: Tanaka Chiemi) ラブライブ!虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会. mapped by Slowpoke104. 9. 120. 7 Aug 2024. Ranked. 1. Shakunetsu nite Junjou (wii-wii-woo) by ...

  6. osu! » Explore the vast collection of beatmaps to find songs which suit your tastes.

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