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The short answer on what to do when talking to a BN is: But if that isn't enough and you need more information, there's a few things you can do and remember to make the process easier for you, and hopefully get your map ranked faster. Checklist before you ask: - Mods: What separates a bad map from a good map? a nomination Mods.
When learning new skills in osu!, it can often be hard to know what type of maps you should be playing in order to optimally train those new skills. Lucky for you though, the EZ Mod Training Pack has that sorted for you!
This project is a discord channel geared towards helping new mappers learn to map and become a part of the mapping community. The mapping community as many new mappers will tell you, is quite exclusive, and it can be challenging to get into the group, let alone learn how to map and mod effectively.
When i say related to the map, if you have Guest difficulties, then you'll have to add the names of the users that provided you with that difficulty. Example: hvick225 has made a map!
16 wrz 2007 · Only BATs can put maps into ranked/approved, if you want your map Ranked or Approved, get it modded, then bubbled and finally ranked, here's a small guide on the whole process: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=17043
watch pishifat, apply new knowledge to ur maps, make another map, compare old map to new map and justify why ur 2nd map is better. the moment that you can see how and why your old maps are trash is the moment you have improved.
Mapping Tools is an all-in-one application for efficient and creative mapping in osu