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Dig in front of the spinning light in Ping and Pong's room inside the Iceberg. A clockwork suit is required to enter the iceberg. A chisel and hammer reside in his home, strange for one of magic.
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15 sty 2018 · Dig in front of the spinning light. (OSRS Master clue) Make clockwork suit, dig in the room with Ping and Pong from the Cold War quest.
During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot to obtain a torn part of the clue scroll. When all three are obtained they automatically fuse to become the next step in the treasure trail or a casket.
Master clue scrolls can be between six and eight clues long, with multiple fights and puzzles, and can have very high-levelled quest and skill requirements. For each master clue step, there is an equal chance of rolling each category of step.
20 lip 2016 · 2 musical birds. Dig in front of the spinning light. OSRS Master Clue Scroll-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "Astrals vs Lava Runes to 91 RC in Old School Runesc...
There is a masterclue megathread for a reason. On the penguin island, in their little hideout thing there's a room filled with musical items. Go in there and dig under the flashing light. You need a penguin suit I believe and the quest Cold War. Iceberg from that penguin quest. Ping & Pong room.
During master clues, players are given three cryptic clues in one step. Players must go to the destination each cryptic provides and dig at the correct spot, or talk to the correct NPC, to obtain a torn part of the next step.