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ACS Examination guide (Selected Questions) Organic Chemistry Nomenclature 1. What is the IUPAC names for this compound? a) 1-tert-butyl-2-butanol b) 5,5-dimethyl-3-hexanol c) 2,2-dimethyl-4-hexanol d) 1,1,1-trimethy-3-pentanol 4.What is the IUPAC name for this structure? a) 3-bromo-4-methylheptanone b) 5-bromo-4-methylheptanone
Answer: 1, c, 3, a, 13, b. Electrophilic and Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitutions pg. Which substituents would deactivate benzene toward electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction?
Practice questions when you need to study for the ACS national exams at the end of the semester acs examination guide (selected questions) organic chemistry
Preparation for Your ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry Answer Solutions Chapter 1 | Nomenclature - 1. The structure of the compound contains six carbons in the longest continuous chain and functional group is. alcohol. So, the parent chain is named hexanol. Hence, choices A and D are eliminated.
I used the ACS books for all four semesters of chem (gen 1+2 and orgo 1+2) and they are super useful. The problems match the exams really well. If your final is an ACS final, I’d prioritize practicing from the boom over practicing from your profs resources for that exam.
My professor wrote questions that were very different than what I saw in the ACS guide. What I would recommend is going through the guide and identifying what you get consistently wrong despite you following what you were taught and then identify why.
Expect 5 questions on nmr/Ms/IR, 5 questions on stereochem, 5 on nucleophilic aromatic substitution, 1-2 on sn1/sn2/e1/e2 respectively. 5 on nomenclature. 5 on carbonyl chemistry, and the rest are going to be a combination from different chapters. Good luck. Find a copy of the ACS workbook.